The Lighthouse Keeper

Greetings from Pastor Kerry, former pastor of Spring City UMC. This blog contains my sermon outlines and/or manuscripts from my pastorate among the people of Spring City PA, from 2006 to 2011. Pastor Dennis is now the lighthouse keeper. Come and worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Abide in Me

November 4, 2007
All Saints' Sunday

from John 15:1-9

My sermon outline:

• In church today:
Baptism of KG
Reception of new members EB (mother of CB) and JM.
Remembrance of All Saints’ Day
Celebration of Holy Communion

• A few simple touch points from this lesson: God the Creator, the Giver of Life, made us to be producers. To create, to give life. We can do this by being connected to Jesus, and therefore being connected to others who are in Jesus.

• God desires that we be disciples, that the words of Jesus be in us. Like the name of a loved one is in you, like their stories are in you, Jesus is to be in us. And that will make us fruitful, productive.

• We celebrate the connection today in the baptism of KG. There’s a new leaf on the J&P branch, and it will grow into a branch of its own.

• We celebrate the connection today in the membership vows of EB and JM, even as we reaffirm our own vows with each other and with God.

• We celebrate the connection today as we remember those who have gone before us, mothers, fathers, teachers, mentors, even spouses and children. We celebrate because in Christ we’re still connected to them and we’ll see them again.

• Be connected. Know God’s word as well as you know the names and stories of your loved ones.

Be a disciple. Produce fruit for God. And give God the glory.
Celebrate the connection.

• God of our ancestors, God of generations yet unborn: It is your will so to fill us with your own Being, so to forgive us even when we fail you, that we may be called your holy people.

For the multitude of the faithful whom we cannot remember for the vastness of their number and the distance of their days, we bless your holy name.

For the multitude of the faithful whom we do remember because they have touched our lives and given us instruction and inspiration, we bless your holy name.

We remember
Emma J. Phil Y. Dick W. Dick M. John H, Jr.
Ed K. Harry U, Jr. John H, Sr. John H. (unrelated to the other John H's) Lorin S.

We name other departed loved ones before you in our hearts.

We thank you for their lives, for their faithful witness and testimony.
Receive them all into your arms of mercy. Let your light perpetual shine upon them, and cause us to be numbered with them in your everlasting glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

• Hymn: The Church's One Foundation

- Pastor Kerry
This Sunday: 70 in worship. All Saints' remembrance. Baptism. Reception of new members. Communion Sunday. Luncheon. Full day!