Water-wanting Wilderness Wanderers
February 24, 2008
Third Sunday in Lent
Water-wanting Wilderness Wanderers
Exodus 17:1-7 and Romans 5:1-11 and John 4:5-42
My sermon outline:
• Read Romans 5:1-11. Read Exodus 17:1-7. And since we’re people of the book and we believe that the scriptures contain all things needful for salvation (don’t skimp!), read John 4:4-52 too.
What connection do you notice between the Exodus and the John?
• Water. Israelites’ question is valid, even if it’s not asked in the right way. Water is basic need for survival. Its importance magnified by the number of people and their location in the wilderness or desert. What we see in Exodus is that God provides water, the source of life. What we see in John is that God is the source of life. And the Israelites complain.
And it’s easy to pick on the Israelites for their lack of faith. God has rescued them, provided food and water for them and they forgot right away. This after ten miraculous signs of God’s power and involvement in their lives while they were yet in Egypt... How quickly people can forget God’s blessing. Seems the minute skies aren’t rosy they complain.
What do we do when things aren’t right, when you’re wandering in the wilderness wanting water? Seek God? Seek solution? Complain and or accuse and blame God?
We read in Romans 5 that God proves his love toward us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. That if God is going to give his life for sinful and complaining folk, of course he’s going to save what he’s reconciled. Likewise, ye water-wanting wilderness wanderers, if God is going to redeem people out of Egypt of course he’s going to meet your needs in the desert.
Because they’re entitled? No. They deserve it or earned it? No. Because God is God. It may not be what they expect, but God redeems and sustains.
Likewise, God will provide for his church. Maybe not in the way we expect, but yeah.
God provides the source of life and God is the source of life. God will not leave us abandoned.
• God’s plan involves our participation. God told Moses go, with leaders. I’ll be there. Do this.
Jesus and the woman at the well: the woman went and told and brought many to belief.
• All while we’re covered by the stain of sin.
God is the initiator. We follow and do. Never thirst, and I will become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. God pours love and grace into our hearts.
• Pray: We thirst, you provide, even yourself. We complain, you offer grace. We scarcely understand your love. We thank you for cleansing us and sustaining us. Move us to do your will.
• Hymn 111 How can we name a love?
- Pastor Kerry
This Sunday: 64 in worship