March 2, 2008
One Great Hour of SharingReConnecting Week 1: Getting Our Bearings Isaiah 45:18-25 and Acts 2:42-47 and Revelation 7:9-12
My sermon outline:
• A traveling pastor had just arrived in a small town to preach a sermon. Wanting to mail a letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was. When the boy had told him, the pastor thanked him and said, "If you'll come to the Church this evening, you can hear me telling everyone how to get to Heaven."
"I don't think I'll be there," the boy said. "You don't even know your way to the post office."
• Place I like to eat, 27 miles away from here. 21 mi from Reading. 16 mi from Lanc.
Using those three points of reference you might figure out it’s Shady Maple.
• We read from three books of the Bible today, one somewhat ancient history (Isaiah, 2700 years ago) one from after the birth of the Church (Acts, 2000 years ago) and one from the future (Revelation) just as a way of referencing where we are.
• Through the witness of Isaiah (and many others) There is no other God; there is salvation in God and God alone; only in God is there righteousness and strength, and to God alone shall every knee bow and tongue confess.
We stand on this foundation.
• From the records of the early church Acts, they were devoted to teaching and fellowship and communion and prayer, and God did wondrous things and “added to the number those who were being saved.”
We bear this witness.
• God gives us a glimpse of what shall be, uncountable folks from everywhere, praising God together.
This is where we’re going.
• ReConnecting is a tool we’ll use on the journey. To find Shady Maple, a map would be a useful tool. A compass would be a useful tool. The experience of someone who had been there would be a useful tool. ReConnecting is a tool we’ll use on our journey in Christ. It’s a tool that incorporates daily readings of scripture as well as the writings of John Wesley. Like the early church it includes teaching and prayer and fellowship.
We’ll examine the original vision of John Wesley as we seek to be faithful to God in a time of rapid societal change.
We’ll examine spiritual practices and how they can give us passion and motivation and strength.
We’ll see how we can move creatively into the future, without losing connection to our traditions and history.
How can you participate?
By the grace of God we’ll reaffirm our place in God’s church, where God does wondrous things and adds to the number of those who are being saved.
A man dies and goes to heaven. Of course, St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates.
St. Peter says, "Here's how it works. You need 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell me all the good things you've done, and I give you a certain number of points for each item, depending on how good it was. When you reach 100 points, you get in."
"Okay," the man says, "I was married to the same woman for 50 years and never cheated on her, even in my heart."
"That's wonderful," says St. Peter, "that's worth three points!"
"Three points?" he says. "Well, I attended church all my life and supported its ministry with my tithe and service."
"Terrific!" says St. Peter, "that's certainly worth a point."
"One point? Golly. How about this: I started a soup kitchen in my city and worked in a shelter for homeless veterans."
"Fantastic, that's good for two more points," he says.
"TWO POINTS!!" the man cries, "At this rate the only way I get into heaven is by the grace of God!"
"Come on in!"
• Hymn insert: In the Breaking of the Bread
- Pastor Kerry
This Sunday: 73 in worship