David and Bathsheba
July 26, 2009
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
David Sinned
2 Samuel 11
...But the thing David had done displeased the Lord. – 2 Samuel 11:27
...Jesus slipped off and went back up the mountain to be by himself... John 6:15
My sermon outline:
• Going through story of David, one of Israel’s greatest heroes. Met Samuel, Israel asks for a king. Saul (tall, dark, handsome, rich) is selected by God.
Saul falls from grace (I did it my way... not waiting for God)
David (not tall, dark, or rich, but good looking and talented) is selected (unlikely candidate)
God is with David, gives victories. David acts with integrity and humility.
Saul dies, Judah crowns David, eventually the northern tribes of Israel accept David.
God is with David, gives victories. David retrieves ark, dances.
• Last week, after David has built himself a palace fit for a king, wants to build temple.
Nathan tells of God’s “no”... God has a better plan, God will build everlasting kingdom & church (& temple along the way, yeah) through house of David.
God will grant rest to Israel. & presence. & victory.
• You should read 2 Samuel 7:18-32, an inspiring prayer of David’s praise & worship.
• Today we skip over a few chapters... David defeats enemies in battle, dedicates spoils. Shows kindness to house of Saul. Shows kindness to enemy, but is denied. We hear of David’s officers.
& as we come to today’s reading it’s easy to think that David’s getting complacent, but be careful not to add too much to the text...
(Read 2 Samuel 11:1-15) And for David & family, life will never be the same.
• episode is a warning against giving into temptation, warning against lust.
Example of abuse of power, and danger of idleness & isolation.
Example of one sin leads to another. (stop signs: idleness, look, send, act)
You know that it is hard to admit temptation (weakness!) & easier to look the other way (or keep looking)
That temptation is not limited to sexual sin or to young. (consider 71yo Bernie Madoff, whose Ponzi investor scheme was begun in 1991 at age 53) (consider 88yo man who gunned down a security guard at the Holo museum last month)
• You know that we have great resources at our fingertips (prayer)
• and you know that God keeps promises, God forgives and God redeems
• prayer & connection & humility... confess
• We live in God’s world, but a world broken by our own doing. God offers us wholeness, yet we turn away, refusing God’s love because it comes through means we dislike. Let us confess our brokenness and seek to be open to God’s wholeness through whatever means it comes.
Holy God, we confess that we have sinned against you and against your whole creation...
In our brokenness God is ever near. In our time of need, God’s love surrounds us. We must simply be open to receive it. Sisters and brothers, God knows our brokenness and God is here to bring healing and wholeness. Receive the good news of God: Through Jesus Christ we are forgiven and by the Holy Spirit we are nurtured to wholeness.
• Hymn 397 I Need Thee Every Hour
- Pastor Kerry
This Sunday: 52 in worship.