April 4, 2010
Easter SundayHe Is Worthy Luke 24:1-12
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” – Luke 24:5
My sermon outline:
• Passover question What makes this night different from other nights. Why this day different from other days? Time to retell, re-teach, re-member (bring to mind), re-live the story.
• We are here b/c people have heard the story and have been changed by it. Look at Peter the fisherman. Last week (Palm Passion) Peter cut off the ear of a soldier’s servant. He denied that he knew Jesus. This week he didn’t believe the women but he ran to the tomb and then went home, amazed. Also this week (Acts 10) Jesus is preaching and teaching. Tradition has it that before he was martyred, Peter returned to Rome, not repeating his denial from Jesus’ crucifixion.
Peter was moved from incredulity and insanity to encounter and empowered.
• As at Passover the story is told again, Peter tells the story time and time again, how Jesus lived humbly piously generously selflessly virtuously, performed miracles by the power of God, was put to death by wicked men, and God raised him from the dead – God declared Jesus’ worth by raising Jesus from the dead.
Jesus was found worthy of resurrection by God.
• The angel tells the women Why look for the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen. Remember how he told you... Jesus is trustworthy, worthy of our trust, worthy of our praise.
• & we are witnesses, checking in every week to celebrate God in our lives, to report what’s going on in our worlds, to learn, to pray, to worship, to celebrate Jesus’ victory over death.
To celebrate that there is LIFE in Jesus, there is Forgiveness in Jesus. To confess that life is better because of Jesus, to whom be the glory forever.
• Hymn 308 Thine Be the Glory
- Pastor Kerry
This Sunday: 111 in worship.