The Lighthouse Keeper

Greetings from Pastor Kerry, former pastor of Spring City UMC. This blog contains my sermon outlines and/or manuscripts from my pastorate among the people of Spring City PA, from 2006 to 2011. Pastor Dennis is now the lighthouse keeper. Come and worship on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hymn Sing!

April 25, 2010
Fourth Sunday after Easter

Hymn Sing
John 10:22-30

“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.” – John 10:27-28

- Pastor Kerry

This Sunday: 57 in worship.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fish Fry At Dawn

April 18, 2010
Third Sunday after Easter

Fish Fry At Dawn
Bishop Peggy Johnson, guest speaker

John 21

Jesus said to Peter, “Feed my sheep.”
– John 21:17

(the following summary was printed in the newsletter)

Bishop Johnson wandered seamlessly back and forth between the scripture and Jesus’ hope for the church today, even our church. Jesus comes to the disciples even when they’ve apparently given up hope, and he guides them. The same is true today: Jesus comes to us in our times of grief and despair, and offers us holy presence and guidance. Jesus and the disciples share a meal together, something which gatherings of disciples have done since that very meal. Indeed, we shared in a fine meal in our fellowship hall following the worship service (hats off to the many hands that put their labors into the meal’s preparation and service and clean up – y’all did terrific).

The bishop’s message concluded with Jesus’ exhortation, encouragement, and commission to his followers to care for the Lord’s beloved ones. She pointed out that we are in ministry to our community and more when we tithe faithfully as individuals and when our congregation carries out its pledge to support the Annual Conference with our offerings. We are in ministry to our community and more when we are feeding the hungry and offering presence to the lonely and hope to the hopeless. We are in ministry to our community when we go beyond our walls and comfort zones and discover and address the needs of our neighbors, who are part of God’s great flock. We are in ministry when we share the good news of the life-changing and saving love of Jesus Christ with a world that is desperately in need of his grace.

It was a message that was both encouraging and challenging, and I pray that as you read this blog (and your Bible!) that you may be motivated to pray about how you can be faithfully involved in ministry. Jesus comes to us, nourishes us, reconciles us, and sends us. Hallelujah and amen!

- Pastor Kerry

This Sunday: 72 in worship.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

From Fearful to Fearless

April 11, 2010
Second Sunday of Easter

From Fearful to Fearless
John 20 and Acts 5

“The doors of the house where the disciples met were locked for fear of the Jews.”
– John 20:19
“We must obey God rather than any human authority.” – Acts 5:29

My sermon outline:

• Easter: Christ is risen... & in that the fear of death is removed...
AND the promise of new life NOW is renewed.

• Eastertide (season of Easter) is about New Life empowered apostolically by Christ...
Making sure Good News is delivered to the poor, captives released, sick lame and blind restored, Kingdom of God is rebuilt and declared!

• Disciples move from fear (Jn 20:19) to BOLD (Acts 5:29) (Fearful to fearless)
The reading from Acts is about the power of God And the commitment of the disciples to break through the powers that be... powers and principalities
NOT to exist as victims but as Ambassadors... (Whom do you represent? Christ!)

• Disciples also pray & support church (Acts 4:23-32)

• Some ways you can & do pray & support church in Eastertide power of Christ
as we deliver good news to poor, captive, sick, lame, blind...:

HOTH visitation financial support sacrifice (service) SS VBS shovel&lawn
Maintaining Active Connection!

• Hymn 318 Christ Is Alive

- Pastor Kerry

This Sunday: 72 in worship.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

He Is Worthy

April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday

He Is Worthy
Luke 24:1-12

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” – Luke 24:5

My sermon outline:

• Passover question What makes this night different from other nights. Why this day different from other days? Time to retell, re-teach, re-member (bring to mind), re-live the story.

• We are here b/c people have heard the story and have been changed by it. Look at Peter the fisherman. Last week (Palm Passion) Peter cut off the ear of a soldier’s servant. He denied that he knew Jesus. This week he didn’t believe the women but he ran to the tomb and then went home, amazed. Also this week (Acts 10) Jesus is preaching and teaching. Tradition has it that before he was martyred, Peter returned to Rome, not repeating his denial from Jesus’ crucifixion.

Peter was moved from incredulity and insanity to encounter and empowered.

• As at Passover the story is told again, Peter tells the story time and time again, how Jesus lived humbly piously generously selflessly virtuously, performed miracles by the power of God, was put to death by wicked men, and God raised him from the dead – God declared Jesus’ worth by raising Jesus from the dead.

Jesus was found worthy of resurrection by God.

• The angel tells the women Why look for the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen. Remember how he told you... Jesus is trustworthy, worthy of our trust, worthy of our praise.

• & we are witnesses, checking in every week to celebrate God in our lives, to report what’s going on in our worlds, to learn, to pray, to worship, to celebrate Jesus’ victory over death.

To celebrate that there is LIFE in Jesus, there is Forgiveness in Jesus. To confess that life is better because of Jesus, to whom be the glory forever.

• Hymn 308 Thine Be the Glory

- Pastor Kerry

This Sunday: 111 in worship.