"A Blind Man Sees"
October 29, 2006
from Mark 10:46-52 and Hebrews 7:23-28
"Jesus said to him, 'What do you want me to do for you?'
The blind man said to him, 'My teacher, let me see again.'" - Mark 10:51
My sermon outline:
• Remember 3D Vision / Magic Eye? Wow. Learning to see something hidden.
• Gospel reading today about someone who receives sight, yet there’s not just one blind man. True, Bartimeus (son of honor) gains sight, but not only (A) did he already possess vision, but (B) those around him were blind, even though they saw.
• (B) Book of Mark contains several double stories (feeding of 5K, feeding of 4K; two times of Jesus calming storm; several times when a demon-possessed child was healed through the faith of a parent. Many times the disciples are as surprised the second time around as they were the first time. They don’t get it. They don’t see.
• In Mark 8 there’s a healing of a blind man (at Bethsaida, near Jesus’ home up north). After that: Jesus asks ‘Who do they say I am’... (Pete says Messiah, Jesus shushes, Pete doesn’t get it). Jesus is blessed by Moses and Elijah, they don’t get it. Unable to cast a demon out of a boy, they don’t get it when Jesus says stuff about the first being last (Jesus tells them several times), they turn children away after Jesus says whoever welcomes a child welcomes me, James & John still don’t get it and they ask for glory seats.
• Now they’re on their way to Jerusalem, which should ring bells for any good Jew, just like if we talk about going to Washington here and now it doesn’t just mean visiting the city...
• (A) Bartimeus (son of honor) already possessed vision. Though a hundred miles from Jesus, he knew that this was The One, the one God had promised to David generations before, the Messiah. He could see. And when Jesus asked him what he could do for him, Bartimeus knew. He knew what he wanted and he knew what Jesus could do. Jesus gave him sight and he used his sight to follow Jesus.
• Storytime: Boy seeks secret of happiness... The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.
• Our Vision Statement (quoted an older version two weeks ago)
Trusting God – Demonstrating God’s Love
We are called to GROW as a Church that is CHRIST-CENTERED, OPEN to the Holy Spirit and WELCOMING all people in its mission, outreach and witness.
To REACH PEOPLE in the community and developing surrounding areas and INVITE THEM to become part of a caring, believing church family that is growing in faith and commitment and in developing Christian education, prayer, fellowship, and service opportunities to meet needs.
• Think on your church participation the last few months. Are you being like the disciples, or like Bartimeus?
• Be Thou My Vision 451
- Pastor Kerry
This Sunday: Cool and clear. 73 in worship.